Research has confirmed that traditional green tea contains antioxidants which will benefit your health. Additionally, a green tea diet can help you lose weight by increasing metabolism. BUT, how much do you have to drink and what else does it contain that might not be good for you?
Traditional green tea contains caffeine. If you consume large quantities of caffeine, be prepared to spend your nights staring at the ceiling - wide awake from a caffeine overdose. A typical cup of tea contains 40 to 80 mg of caffeine, depending on how long it is brewed. Most experts agree that 300 mg of caffeine (the amount contained in 3 - 4 cups of tea) is a moderate intake. The amount of recommended consumption to achieve good health benefits far exceeds this. Such excessive amounts may create drug dependency and serious health problems. People who have health concerns such as heart disease, need to check with their doctor as they consider their caffeine intake. Some people become allergic to caffeine, symptoms of which mimic mental illness. Rooibos and Honeybush teas contain no caffeine.
Caffeine is a diuretic which can cause dehydration. Ingesting caffeine causes an increase in frequency of urinary excretion. Unless extra water is consumed to compensate for the increased volume of urine that is lost, dehydration can occur. Rooibos teas provide essential electrolytes and hydration lost during exercise by athletes
Traditional green tea may help in weight loss by increasing metabolism, but there is no consensus on how much you will have to drink. Articles on the subject vary from 5 to 30 cups per day. Honeybush teas have a natural appetite suppressant and are high in antioxidants. If you eat less you will lose weight, simply, naturally. Combining one tea bag of Honeybush Tea with two bags of Rooibos Tea makes a delightful three cup beverage that successfully staves the appetite and provides the benefits of both teas.
Traditional green tea contains high levels of tannin. All plant foods contain tannin, but high amounts of tannins can injure the body. (Did you know tannin is used to tan leather?) Tannins inhibit the absorption of iron and people with iron poor blood should not drink traditional green tea. Rooibos and Honeybush teas are very low in tannin.
Traditional green tea has many drug interactions. The University of Maryland Medical Center provides a list of possible drug interactions of green tea. For example, people on blood thinning medications should not drink green tea because it contains Vitamin K which can render blood thinners ineffective. The Medical Center also states that "people with heart problems, kidney disorders, stomach ulcers, and psychological disorders (particularly anxiety) should not drink green tea. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid green tea". Rooibos Teas are safe for infants, children and pregnant women.
Traditional Green tea is naturally bitter partially due to high tannin content. Many people mask this bitterness by adding sugar (calories) cream (calories and fat). Rooibos and Honeybush teas are naturally sweet. Still, Rooibos is the only tisane tea that readily accepts cream or milk in the same manner as traditional green tea.